May 23, 2020

Nov 06, 2018 · Much like Google, if you've found negative content when searching your name on Yahoo and you're looking for ways to remove it from Yahoo search results, Yahoo recommends that you first make all efforts possible to get in touch with the admins of the website(s) where the undesirable content is published. Apr 20, 2018 · Google is pretty good at crawling and indexing the web but giving the spiders as much assistance with their job as possible makes for quicker and cleaner SEO. Simply having your property added to Webmaster Tools, running Google Analytics , and then using the above tools are the foundation for getting your site noticed by the search giant. If you have them returned 404 header statuses, they will eventually be removed from Google’s index. However, if you want a faster way, as suggested by the earlier answers, you can use the Remove URL tool in Google Search Console. May 07, 2018 · This operator works on all Google search tools i.e. you can use it in Google web search, and on Google Image Search. If you have other websites that spam your search results, i.e., ones you don’t care to include in search, you can use this exact same trick to exclude them. The process is the same; add a minus symbol and enter the domain name. Jun 10, 2019 · The Custom Search server can return the search results, along with the structured data, in XML or JSON format. Create a presentation layer to transform the structured data into formatted HTML. A presentation layer is a set of code (such as JavaScript, PHP, JSP and ASP) that transforms the raw data into a format that is displayed to the user.

May 23, 2020

Remove all files and subdirectories in a specific directory on your site from appearing in Google search results. Your entire site. Remove your site from appearing in Google search results. Cached copy of a Google search result. Remove the cached copy and description of a page that is either outdated or to which you’ve added a noarchive meta tag. Removing a URL from the index with the Google Search Console: Log into the Google Search Console and select the desired website Click on “Optimization” in the left-hand navigation Click on “Remove URL” in the sub-menu In the Google Webmaster Tools, there is a URL remover tool.You can use this to submit a page for removal from live search and from cached results. Again, this may or may not be an effective way to remove the page, depending on the reason for removal. Oct 06, 2019 · Removing a URL from the index with the Google Search Console: 1. Log into the Google Search Console and select the desired website 2. Click on “Optimization” in the left-hand navigation 3

For Chrome users, the official Personal Blocklist Chrome extension can remove sites from your results. Unlike the one referenced in Bernhard Hofmann's answer, this is an official extension developed by Google. Google used to have built-in support for this, but it has removed this feature.

Jan 04, 2018