In many other countries around the world, access to social media, political, and other sites is limited. This infographic from TorGuard takes a look at internet censorship around the world:🖖 KnownHost: super reliable Dedicated, VPS, Cloud & Shared hosting for blogs, […]

This report contains information on government policy and/or laws regarding Internet censorship in various countries around the world. The information was compiled by EFA in March 2002 in response to a request from the Chair of a NSW Parliamentary Committee inquiring into a NSW Bill intended to censor the Internet (for background, see the The internet outage around the world has become the norm with the latest news about the Iranian government shutting off the internet for nearly all of its population of more than 80 million. The authorities say this was done to silence protests over rising gasoline prices. Sep 27, 2019 · To those in the West, internet censorship is often thought of as something that happens ‘elsewhere’ – China or other despotic authoritarian regimes. But increasingly overbearing government regulations have begun to threaten internet freedoms in the West too. The pro-democracy think tank Freedom House show the relative internet freedom of countries around the globe with […] Sep 27, 2019 · Those in power around the world can clearly see the value and power of censorship, whether for insidious and megalomaniacal reasons or altruistic and philanthropic ones. For those in the West, it is essential that we don’t assume our freedoms are assured, and that we challenge legislation and its legislators – especially that which is

In 2013, Freedom House released a ‘Freedom on the Net’ report, detailing internet censorship and restrictions around the world. In the report, each country was awarded a ‘Freedom on the Net’ score out of 100.

Jul 25, 2018 · Internet Censorship Around The World. In this age of instant information, you’d think that access would be unlimited. After all, the Internet is only a click away. The sad truth is, many countries around the world seek to limit outside influences and therefor block internet connections and censor content whenever and wherever possible.

Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet enacted by regulators, or on their own initiative. Individuals and organizations may engage in self-censorship for moral, religious, or business reasons, to conform to societal norms, due to intimidation, or out of fear of legal or other consequences.

Jun 06, 2019 · But the web proved too powerful, and from the ‘free West’ to oppressive regimes around the world, authorities are tightening their grip. Internet censorship is on the rise. Censorship Today. Censorship exists on a continuum, which makes it a slippery subject, with obvious acts of oppression at one end and protective restrictions at the other. May 22, 2017 · 80% of the world doesn’t have access to an internet that is 100% uncensored. 8 of the 30 most visited countries have a censored Internet. 61% of internet users live in countries where criticism of the government and military are subject to censorship.