Mar 12, 2020 · Qubes OS is the Fedora-based security-focused Linux operating system. Unlike other secure Linux distro, Qube OS implements a Security by Isolation approach, so that when some malicious software compromises one of the components of the system, it would get access to only the data inside that environment.

Tails is a live Debian based Linux distribution considered among the most secure distributions together with the previously mentioned QubeOS. Tails can be considered an anti-forensic Linux distribution which doesn’t leave traces of activity, in order to achieve this Tails forces all network traffic through the Tor anonymous network. Jun 02, 2020 · Top 15 Best Security-Centric Linux Distributions of 2020 1. Qubes OS. Qubes OS is a security-oriented Fedora-based distro that ensures security by implementing security by 2. TAILS: The Amnesiac Incognito Live System. Tails is a security-centric Debian-based distro designed to protect users’ Jul 30, 2017 · Fedora. Backed by RedHat – the biggest Linux Kernel contributor, Fedora is one of the fastest and most secure Linux Distro to use in 2020. It is a market leader in virtualization and also offers strong community support to users. Plus, it is almost automatically updated against bugs and old versions. They are generally more secure and lighter than their Windows and OS X counterparts. Most advanced Linux distributions give users the opportunity to dig deep into their computer to find out exactly what’s happening underneath the hood, and they provide a great way to learn a lot more about how computers work. Dec 17, 2019 · In my opinion and experience, Ubuntu-based elementary OS is the most beautiful Linux distro which is also known for its unparalleled performance. This fast and open source replacement for Windows Apr 16, 2020 · Linux Mint is a great ‘default’ distro for new Linux users, as it comes with a lot of the software you’ll need when switching from Mac or Windows, such as LibreOffice, the favored productivity

Ubuntu is the most popular desktop Linux Distro. It is supported by a company called Canonical Ltd. Canonical funds development of Ubuntu with money earned, providing Ubuntu support to businesses. Unfortunately, Ubuntu has a spotty record when it comes to user privacy.

Nov 08, 2017 · For many of us, Tails is the default choice while looking for a Linux for security solution. Tails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System, is a Debian-based Linux distribution that’s one of the most The most popular operating systems and programs typically have the weakest privacy protections but also are compatible with the majority of websites and offer the most support. While certain secure Linux distros are relatively mainstream and user-friendly, others have a steep learning curve, especially for less tech-savvy users.

Unlike other features one might measure on a Linux system, security is very difficult to test. As Linus Torvalds says, all security holes are just bugs. So by definition, they are things the developers would fix immediately if they knew about them

Dec 12, 2019 · This Linux distro is considered as Hacker favorite, meant for security testing. Kali OS can be used for wireless hacking, server exploiting, web-app assessing and so on. Although BackTrack Linux does contain a few graphical tools, this Linux Distro is good for command line experts. BackTrack is serious about anonymity. This one isn’t necessarily aimed at modern systems, but if you need a good Linux distro for older laptops, Linux Lite is definitely a fantastic choice. For starters, this is one of the most lightweight Linux distros on the market that can still provide a traditional user experience. Meaning you get a lot more than a terminal and few basic apps. Jan 04, 2020 · Lightweight Linux distributions for older pcs: Here is the list of 25 best lightweight Linux distros sorted according to their system requirements. The one requires low system configuration comes first and also keep in mind that, the distributions which require low processing power couldn’t have fancy UI animations and 3D stuff. Oct 09, 2016 · It too works in a Debian GNU/Linux environment, with the sole aim of protecting anonymity online through Tor and through the principle of ‘security by isolation’. Although setting up Whonix is an extremely complicated process, it can be assuredly said that this is one of the most secure Linux distros with a fully featured desktop environment. Unlike other features one might measure on a Linux system, security is very difficult to test. As Linus Torvalds says, all security holes are just bugs. So by definition, they are things the developers would fix immediately if they knew about them Some distros work best for doing scientific work, which requires a scientific approach and programming. Also, most of the distros can be used for day-to-day activity. As a technical person, it is always a good idea to try out different Linux distros and try to understand which one works best for you.