It adds two toolbar buttons called link and unlink and three menu items called link, unlink and openlink. The toolbar button and menu item called link are included in TinyMCE’s default configuration. The link menu item can be found in the Insert menu. The link plugin also includes a context menu and

Is there any possibility to hide or remove the menu bar of the TinyMCE-HTML-Editor? I am only using a few functions of TinyMCE so that this large menu bar is a little bit oversized for me. Gladly, I would also like to hide the status bar at the bottom of the editor. This option allows you to specify which menus should appear and the order that they appear in the menu bar at the top of TinyMCE. To specify the menus that should appear on TinyMCE’s menu bar, the menubar option should be provided with a space separated list of menus. Type: String or Boolean. Default Value: true Hello, good morning. I would like to know if there is a way to hide the top toolbar of the TinyMCE. My TinyMCE version is the 4.0. Note: I use the jQuery adapted version.

Thanks to all! This option allows you to configure the menus you want to appear in the menu bar. // Disable all menus tinymce.init({menubar : false}); // Configure different order tinymce.init({ menubar: "tools table format view insert edit"}); If you need more control over the contents of the menus, see the menu parameter. Hide all visible float panels with he autohide setting enabled. hideAll. Hide menu and all sub menus. tinymce.ui.Menu initLayoutRect. Initializes the current Aug 18, 2014 · A quick search through the TinyMCE 4 code suggests very little (i.e. no) use is being made of this facility, which is a shame really because it has a bit of an easy to spot flaw. It evaluates in exactly the same way as stateSelector is evaluated, which controls whether the button is marked active (true) or inactive (false).

TinyMCE Will Not Load if Track Changes or Tiny Comments are Specified in the Default Content. If the setDocument or setBody properties contain Track Changes information or Tiny Comments and setExpressEdit is set to attempt to display TinyMCE, the editor will not load. Track Changes or Tiny Comments Inserted into TinyMCE at Run-Time Will Corrupt

Hello, good morning. I would like to know if there is a way to hide the top toolbar of the TinyMCE. My TinyMCE version is the 4.0. Note: I use the jQuery adapted version.

Thanks to all! This option allows you to configure the menus you want to appear in the menu bar. // Disable all menus tinymce.init({menubar : false}); // Configure different order tinymce.init({ menubar: "tools table format view insert edit"}); If you need more control over the contents of the menus, see the menu parameter. Hide all visible float panels with he autohide setting enabled. hideAll. Hide menu and all sub menus. tinymce.ui.Menu initLayoutRect. Initializes the current Aug 18, 2014 · A quick search through the TinyMCE 4 code suggests very little (i.e. no) use is being made of this facility, which is a shame really because it has a bit of an easy to spot flaw. It evaluates in exactly the same way as stateSelector is evaluated, which controls whether the button is marked active (true) or inactive (false).

Ultimate Tinymce Pro Context Menu. The Ultimate Tinymce Pro Context Menu is a new feature which will help those who wish to reduce the number of buttons across the top of the editor. Now, I know what people may think… “Why would you remove buttons from the editor?”.

Hi All, I have TinyMCE Editor and I want to show , hide toolbar on mouse click in textarea keeping the written text visible inside it and mouseclick outside textarea keeping the written text visibl TinyMCE 4. WordPress 3.9 was released with a major update to TinyMCE version 4.0 in WordPress core. TinyMCE version 4 provides many changes: New UI and UI API. New theme. Revamped events system/API. Better code quality, readability and build process. Lots of (inline) documentation. And generally many improvements everywhere. Version 4.7.9 (2018-02-27) Fixed a bug where the editor target element didn't get the correct style when removing the editor. Version 4.7.8 (2018-02-26) Fixed an issue with the Help Plugin where the menuitem name wasn't lowercase. Tinymce editor applied in textarea and if image is added in textarea using tinymce editor then UI not coming properly in front end. After addition image and contain will be display with image on front end side but facing some issues of design of the page related image.