Apr 11, 2014

IS HEARTBLEED A VIRUS? Absolutely NO, It's not a virus. As described in our previous article, The … Heartbleed bug: What you need to know (FAQ) - CNET Heartbleed is a play on words referring to an extension on OpenSSL called "heartbeat." The protocol is used to keep connections open, even when data isn't being shared between those connections. How to Protect Yourself from Infectious Diseases: 12 Steps Jun 02, 2020

Apr 09, 2014

Top 10 Tips to Protect Yourself Against Computer Viruses Aug 05, 2012

Always use up-to-date anti-virus software, from a reputable vendor, that is capable of scanning files and email messages for malevolent software. Most anti-virus programs include an auto-update feature that enables the program to download profiles of new viruses so that it …

What you need to know about the Heartbleed bug | Fox News